3777 S Redwood Road West Valley City, UT 84119 801-904-2809
1695 N State Street Provo, UT 84604 801-904-2809
426 Cimmarron Way Tooele, UT 84074 801-904-2809


Explore the testimonials from our esteemed clientele regarding our Provo location! Our esteemed customers are the bedrock of our enterprise, and we greatly value their feedback and opinions. At West Auto Sales, our primary objective is to facilitate a seamless purchasing experience. We fully appreciate the significance of purchasing a vehicle and are dedicated to ensuring your complete comfort and satisfaction throughout the process.
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
Jan 12, 2024
victor and brady very good at there jobs no complaints from me i am very satisfied with my f150
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
Nov 19, 2023
Victor at West Auto Sales in Provo was amazing and got us in and out with our dream car! Super helpful with financing and getting us a good rate! Thanks so much guys!!
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
Sep 15, 2023
WestAuto Provo made sure I got the best deal possible on my new vehicle. Super happy I chose them and very grateful to Victor and Camilo for all their help! They are the best🤩
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
Sep 2, 2023
Very simple process and great service.
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
Jun 3, 2023
Very nice guys and they helped me quick. 10/10 I would recommend buying a car from them!
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
May 23, 2023
Victor cedilla was our salesman he went above and beyond to get us financing this is our second vehicle purchased from west auto sales I highly recommend them your next vehicle
West Auto Sales Provo West Auto Sales Provo
801-904-2809 $$$
6 Testimonials
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